We are in this dark cave. It’s cold in here but there are tiny little lights and I see them moving across the rocky, earthy walls. Small branches from life beyond, come creeping in slowly. Little green leaves showing shards of hope. We venture further into the void of sheer blackness and come across a strangely glowing stream, sparkling and reflecting against the walls.
There must be a path somewhere here. We are in search to find the thing we have been commissioned to find. Funny thing, the man that gave us this huge wad of cash thats now pulling down my trousers, neglected to mention that money can’t buy us freedom. So we have to figure it out ourselves. Here we are, trapped in this cave of glittering, pulsating, glistening darkness, we venture wearily ahead, and discover a beautiful glowing lady. She is bathing in a big inner mountain lake. We sit down for a while and ask her why she stays. She says ‘Why not? It’s so beautiful and bright in here. And oh so very peaceful.’